Tuesday, July 24, 2012

55th Street Walk and Roll Report

The results of our 55th Street Sidewalk Survey "Walk and Roll" is now available on www.hydepark.org. It will also shortly be added to www.hpdare.com!  Send us your comments when you review it.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

55th Street Walk and Roll

On Saturday, June 16, the Hyde Park Disabibilities Task Force will sponsor a "Walk and Roll" along 55th Street, identifying issues of accessibility and safety. Volunteers are invited to gather in front of the DARE building on 55th and Cornell at 9:30, for coffee and instructions.
At 10:00, we will split into two groups, one going east and one west, jointly covering from the Lake to Ellis Avenue. Each group will have someone to take notes, digital cameras for documentation, and tape measures for checking widths for wheel chairs and motorized scooters.
The Disabilities Task Force operates as a committee of the Hyde Park-Kenwood Community Conference, but also includes representatives from the 4th and 5th Ward offices, the Older Women's League, and the Coalition for Equitable Community Development.
Anyone who is interested is encouraged to participate. With the planned re-design of much of 55th Street scheduled for this summer, this is an opportunity to raise community concerns about safety and accessibility. If you would like more details, feel free to call me at work (773) 955-4455, at home after 6:00pm (773) 288-3716, or contact me via email. If you would like to help spread the word, our flyer is inserted below.
Download the Flyer for the 55th Sreet Walk and Roll